No to Age Banding
We are writers, illustrators, librarians, teachers, booksellers, publishers, educationalists, psychologists, parents and grandparents. Some of the undersigned writers and illustrators have a measure of control over what appears on the covers of their books; others have less.
But we are all agreed that the proposal to put an age-guidance figure on books for children is ill-conceived, damaging to the interests of young readers, and highly unlikely, despite the claims made by those publishers promoting the scheme, to make the slightest difference to sales.
We take this step to disavow publicly any connection with such age-guidance figures, and to state our passionately-held conviction that everything about a book should seek to welcome readers in and not keep them out.
The list of supporters has grown so much that we have split it into six. This page has people whose surnames begin with the letters T-Z. Other pages have surnames A-C, D-G, H-L, M-O, P-S and the latest additions to the list.
Jillian Taberner (Author)
Dee Tainui (Librarian)
Anne Tait (Teacher working with dyslexic children)
Louise Tait (Reader)
Megan Tait (Young reader)
Bryan Talbot (Writer and artist)
Edward G. Talbot (Author)
Graeme Talboys (Author and publisher)
Alan Tam (Reader)
Jeremy Tan (Reader)
Joo Lee Tan (Parent)
Jennifer Tanner (Librarian)
Mark Tanner (Librarian)
Jenny Tanton (Teacher)
Nathaniel Tapley (Author)
Chelsea Tarwater (Student)
Katy Tatem (Early years specialist, parent)
Helen Tawn (Librarian and parent)
Duncan Taws (Reader)
Janet Tay (Editor)
Bradley Taylor (Student)
Colleen Taylor (Specialist children's bookseller, Auckland, NZ)
Cynthia Taylor (Parent, writer)
Debbie Taylor (Author and the founder of Mslexia)
Elaine Taylor (Reader)
Emma Taylor (Reader)
Gillian Taylor (Author)
Jennifer Taylor (Writer)
Laura Taylor (English student)
Laura Taylor (School librarian)
Marjorie Taylor (Reader)
Meg Taylor (Grandparent)
Megan Taylor (Writer)
Paul Taylor (Parent)
Rachel Taylor (Librarian)
Shannon Taylor (Student)
Sue Taylor (Librarian)
Tim Taylor (Teacher, adviser)
Dr Susan Tebbutt (Former children's literature researcher)
Sean Tej (Reader)
Annabel Tellis (Author)
Peter Temperton (Teacher)
Alexandra Tengco (Reader)
Frida Tengvar (Reader)
Maria Teres Cruz Vargas (Parent)
Sarah Terry (Teacher, parent)
Teri Terry (Calibre Audio Library)
Kate Schafer Testerman (Literary Agent)
Ben Tetlow (Writer)
Debby Thacker (Academic)
Ruth Thacker (Bookseller)
Eve Theobald (English literature student)
Aurélie Thibault (Reader)
Elizabeth Thiers (Student children's literature)
Catherine Thimmesh (Author)
Christine Thomas (Writer, reviewer)
Diana Thomas (Reader)
Edwina J Thomas (School librarian)
Hannah Thomas (Librarian)
Heather Thomas (Parent)
Kathryn Thomas (Retired school and children's librarian)
Liz Thomas (Parent)
Matthew J Thomas (Author)
Michelle Thomas (Reader)
Natacha Thomas (Reader)
Odile Thomas (Teacher)
Sarah Thomas (Reader)
Selma Thomas (School librarian)
Alex Thompson (Student)
Amy Thompson (Reader)
Andy Thompson (Reader)
Cheri Thompson (School librarian)
Clare Thompson (School librarian)
Helen Thompson (Librarian)
Kate Thompson (Author)
Lindsey Thompson (Head of English)
Melanie Thompson (Copy-editor, proofreader)
Paula Thompson (Librarian)
Rosalind Thompson (Reader)
Stevie Thompson (Reader)
David S Thomson (Author and Teacher)
Isabel Thomson (Reader)
Liz Thomson (Learning Support Teacher)
Mary Thomson (Parent)
Pat Thomson (Reader)
Kim Thonger (Bookseller)
Louise Thorburn (Librarian)
Michael Thorn (Reviewer, Achuka website editor)
Matt Thorne (Author)
Claire Thornley (Teacher, reader)
Elly Thornton (Librarian)
Gypsy Thornton (Author)
Mark Thornton (Bookseller, Mostly Books)
Nikki Thornton (Bookseller, Mostly Books)
Tracey Thornton (School Librarian)
David Thorpe (Author)
Dion Thorpe (Reader)
Gavin Thorpe (Author)
Cathryn Throup (Teacher and parent)
Ann Thwaite (Author)
Anthony Thwaite (Poet)
Marion Tibbitt (Librarian)
Robert Tickle (Teacher)
Jane Tilbrook (Parent)
Andrew Till (Children's librarian)
Tanya Tillier (Teacher)
Marie Timbrell (Librarian)
Debbie Timmins (Reader)
Sarah Timms (Librarian)
Kay Timson (Reader)
Alan Tingle (Reader)
Sue Tissot (Teacher)
Sue Tokumine (Teacher)
Michele Toler (Writer)
Elizabeth Tollitt (English teacher)
Claire Tomalin (Author)
Rachel Tomkinson (Reader)
Jill Tomlinson (Librarian)
Hilary Tomney (Librarian)
Raquel Toney (Parent)
Josef Toon (Student)
Alison Tooth (Parent)
Kay Topping (Museum Education Officer)
Laura Topping (Library Assistant)
Tiffany Torbeck (Children's librarian)
Oliver Tormey (Reader)
Caroline Torr (Editor and Proofreader)
Inma Torra (Reader, journalist)
Lucy Toseland (London Review of Books)
Vasil Toskov (Reader)
Paul Tovell (Children's Librarian)
Jan Towned (School librarian)
Caroline Townend (Parent)
Charlotte Townsend (Student)
Laura Townsend (Trainee primary teacher)
Jeannie Mather Tracey (Artist and Grandmother)
Alice Tran (Library science student)
Shaun Traynor (Author)
EJ Tredrea (Parent, grandparent)
R. W. Tredrea (Reader)
Jo Treggiari (Author)
Jack Trelawny (Author)
Alexandra Tresidder (Parent, author)
Jonathan Trigell (Reader)
James Trigg (Student)
Jo Trigg (Aunt)
Margaret Trigg (Reader)
Michael Trimmer (Writer)
Sam Truby (Student)
Jayne Truran (School Librarian)
Carn Truscott (Teenage reader)
Vincent Tsai (Student)
Clancy Tucker (Author)
Elaine Tucker (Reader)
James Tucker (Reader)
Louise Tucker (Student)
Nicholas Tucker (Author, The Rough Guide to Children’s Books)
Steffan Tucker (Reader)
Stephanie Tuey (School librarian)
Iain Tullis (Reader and Parent)
Martin Tulloch (Reader)
Margaret Turkington (Retired headteacher)
Forest Turley (Teenage reader)
Jay Turley (Web developer)
Laura Turley (Publisher, publicist)
Bridget Turner (School Librarian)
Chris Turner (Children's librarian)
Corinna Turner (Grandparent)
David Turner (Teacher)
Denise Turner (Librarian and parent)
Duncan Turner (Former MD Askews Library Supplies)
Elizabeth Turner (Student)
Emma Turner (Reader)
Jacob Turner (Librarian)
Jennifer Turner (Reader)
Simon Turrell (Parent)
Avril Twine (Teaching assistant)
Rob Twine (Graphic Designer)
Elizabeth Twining (Calibre Audio Library)
Katherine Tyler (Children's Librarian)
Kathy Tyler (Parent)
Kathy Tylor (Teacher)
Kathryn Tyson (School Librarian)
Lesley Tyson (Bookseller)
Sarah Tyson (Federation Children's Book Groups)
Gus Unger-Hamilton (Reader, literature student)
Charlotte Unsworth (Reader)
Eleanor Updale (Author)
Adrian Ure (Librarian)
Kasia Uscinska (Director, Specialist Factual and Arts, ITV)
Karen Usher (Librarian, Chair IFLA)
Jan Utting (Grandparent)
Jan Uzzell (Parent)
Atish Vadher (Student)
Nimish Vadher (Student)
Jenny Valentine (Author)
Emma Vallender (School Librarian)
Dennis G Van Arsdale (Librarian)
Martine van As (Bookseller)
Monique van den Hurk (Parent)
Emily Van Evera (Parent)
Nikki Van Thiel (Librarian)
John Vance (The Sandwich Bookshop)
Louise Vance (The Sandwich Bookshop)
Joy Vann (Grandparent)
Alex Vara De Rey (Bookseller)
Catherine Vase (Illustrator and author)
Katherine Vasey (Parent)
Rhonwyn Vaudrey (Former bookseller)
Donna Vaughan (Writer, teacher)
Jenny Vaughan (Author, editor)
Louise Vaughan (Reader)
Abigail Vaughn (Reader)
Andrea Vaughn (Children's librarian)
Adem Veli (Student)
Vandhana Venkatesh (Reader)
Clare Venus (Clinical Psychologist)
Sheila Verghese (Parent)
Christina Vernon (Reader)
Sarah Vernon (Editor, writer)
Simone Vibert (Teenage Reader)
Leanne Viccars (Trainee teacher)
Will Vigar (Author,illustrator)
Michele Villeneau (Reader)
Tony Vincent (Bookseller)
Scott Vine (Librarian)
Semi Vine (Reader)
Marcus Viner (Librarian)
Anna Virgoe (Bookseller)
Krystal Vittles (School librarian)
Lisa Vogel (Grandmother, retired teacher)
Eva Volin (Librarian)
Vanessa von Pralitz (Teacher, parent)
Saskia Voorendt (School librarian, university tutor, bookseller)
Shannon Vossepoel (Librarian)
Mariam Vossough (Author)
Marie Wabbes (Author, illustrator)
Marie Wabbes (Author, illustrator)
Philip Waddell (Poet)
Maria Waddington (Education Department, HMYOI, Deerbolt)
Christine Wade (Librarian)
Helen Wade (Reader)
Laura Wade (Playwright)
Laura Wadkin (Reader)
Erica Wagner (Literary Editor of The Times, author)
Judy Waite (Author)
Linda Wake (Parent)
Debbie Walbaum (Parent)
Katherine Walcot (Teacher)
Heidi Walcutt (Reader)
Sophie Waldram (Student)
Holly Waldren (Parent)
James Walke (Reader)
Angela Walker (Teacher)
Ann Walker (Reader)
Jamie Walker (Student)
Julie Walker (Reader in residence)
Samuel Walker (Reader)
Sharon Walker (Librarian)
Tamsin Walker (Author, illustrator)
Terri Walker (Student Support, Library)
Tim Walker (Author)
Victoria Walker (Author)
Anne Wall (Librarian)
Helen Wall (Teacher)
Jerusha Wall (Reader)
Andrea Wallace (School Librarian)
Annie Wallace (Student)
C Wallace (Staff)
Emily Wallace (Parent)
Karen Wallace (Author)
Sophie Wallace (Student)
Susan Waller (Librarian)
Annabel Walley (Teenage reader)
Anna Walsh (Writer)
Sally Walsh (School librarian)
Susan Walsh (Children’s Bookseller and former Children’s Librarian)
Catherine Walter (Author and parent)
Beckie Walters (Student)
Cecily Anne Walters (Bookseller, writer)
Sue Walters (Learning and Participation Coordinator, Seven Stories)
Barbara Walton (Librarian and Author)
Caryn Walton-Binns (Federation of Children's Book Groups)
Yvonne Wancke (Teacher and Parent)
Michelene Wandor (Author)
Nick Warburton (Author)
Anna Ward (Student)
Derek James Ward (Doctor)
Lucy Ward (Author)
Ruth Ward (School librarian)
Sarah Ward (Parent)
Tabitha Ward (Reader)
Lee Wardlaw (Author)
Emily Wardle (Student)
Clare Wardman (Reader)
Rhys Wardman (Young reader)
Tessa Ware (English Teacher)
Anne Wareham (Teacher)
Mary Warner (Reader)
Dr Richard Warren (Bookseller, parent and grandparent)
Hayley Warren (School librarian)
Liz Warren (Teacher)
Nicole Waters (Reader, writer)
Stephen Watkins (Student, English literature)
Anne Watson (Illustrator)
Jacqui Watson (Parent)
Lez Watson (Reader)
Liz Watson (Reader)
Mags Watson (Mother of dyslexic child and teacher)
T. E. Watson (Author)
Allyson Watt (Children’s Librarian)
Catherine Watts (Child reader, writer, student librarian)
Chris Watts (Teacher, library worker, parent)
Geoff Watts (Parent, Grandparent and avid reader)
Kimberley Watts (Student)
Sarah Ann Watts (Parent and former teacher)
Sylvia Waugh (Author)
Steve Way (Author)
Karen Wayne (Parent)
Steve Weatherill (Author, illustrator)
Sue Weatherill (Author, illustrator)
Lee Weatherly (Author)
Tracey Weaver (Parent)
Tracy Weaver (Home educator)
Colin Webb (Publisher)
Heather Webb (Bookseller, librarian)
Sarah Webb (Librarian)
Sarah Webb (Writer, children's bookseller)
John Webber (Parent)
Linda Webber (School Librarian)
Maureen Webley (College librarian)
Jane Webster (Teacher and parent)
Heather Weeden (Librarian)
Marguerite Crowley Weibel (Librarian)
Elizabeth E Wein (Author)
David Weir (Reader)
Melanie Weiss (Librarian)
Dave Weisser (Parent)
Susan Weitzel (Parent)
Ben Wells (Student of English literature)
Claire Wells (Teacher, parent)
Kathryn Wells (Librarian)
Melissa Wells (Reader)
Simon Wells (Reader)
Jodie Wells-Slowgrove (Teacher, librarian)
Emma Welsby (Reader)
Sora Werner (Reader)
Tehani Wessely (Teacher, librarian)
Anna West (Student)
Barbara West (Librarian)
Colin West (Author and Illustrator)
Flis West (Parent, reader)
Jodie West (Young reader)
Marghie West (School librarian)
Maureen West (Librarian)
Samuel West (Actor)
Steven West (Parent)
Lisa Westmorland (Children's Librarian)
Guy Weston (Student)
Pam Weston (Teacher and parent)
Weston-Super-Mare Information Library (Library)
Nick Westwood (Writer)
Ian Whadcock (Illustrator)
Andrew Wheatcroft (Author)
Mandy Wheatley (Librarian and parent)
Jackie Wheeler (Parent)
Paige Wheeler (Writer, reader)
Rachel Wheeler (Reader)
Sally Wheldon (Librarian)
Martin Whitaker (Bookseller)
Martin Whitaker (Children's bookseller, Browser's Bookshop)
Andrew White (Reader)
Benjamin White (Reader)
Beverley White (Parent)
Britt White (Librarian)
Emily White (Librarian, former classroom assistant)
Geoff White (Editor)
Helen White (Parent)
Kathryn White (Author)
Marsha White (Author, illustrator)
Nathan White (Student)
Peter White (Parent)
Robin White (Writer)
Roslyn White (Parent)
Sarah White (Former bookseller)
Stacy White (Reader)
Alan Whitehead (Reader)
Gregory Whitehead (Reader)
Sue Whitehouse (Parent)
David Whiteland (Author)
Rose Whiteley (Psychotherapist)
Christopher Whitfield (Reader)
Ruth Whiting (Teacher (retired))
Jim Whitlam (Reader)
Claire Whitman (Reader)
David Whitney (Reader)
Emily S Whitten, Esq. (Reader, Book Reviewer)
Luqman R Whittinger (Author)
Robin Whitty (Website author)
Ian Whybrow (Author)
Matt Whyman (Author)
Daniel Whyte (Reader)
Tammy Whyte (Parent)
Rachael Widdrington-Fox (Children's club leader, parent)
Erin Wiedemer (Writer and former bookseller)
Vanessa Wieland (Author and academic)
Ashley Wightman (Reader)
Fiona Wightman (Teacher, parent)
Cathleen Elise Wighton (Reader)
Edel Wignell (Reader)
Diana Wikinson (Parent)
Cath Wilcox (Librarian)
Frederick Wilcox (Writer)
Penny Wilcox (Parent and writer)
Penny Wild (Teacher)
Tracey Wild (School Librarian)
Jan Wilde (School librarian)
Rebecca Wildish (Teacher)
Caroline Wilkins (Teacher)
Felicity Wilkins (School librarian)
Andy Wilkinson (Parent and avid reader)
Philip Wilkinson (Author)
Shan Wilkinson (Children's Librarian)
Tommy Wilkinson (Student)
Sarah Willans (Author, journalist)
Amy William (Student)
Lindsay Williame (Primary school teacher)
Andrea Williams (Reader)
Anthony Williams (Child reader)
Beckie Williams (Author)
Billie Williams (Teacher)
Charlotte Williams (Parent)
Debbie Williams (Former Children's Buyer for Waterstones Head-office)
Diana Williams (Ex-teacher, now a bibliographer and parent)
Dr DG Williams (Reader)
Eleanor Williams (Postgraduate student)
Emma Williams (Reader)
Emma Williams (Reader)
Frances Williams (Parent)
Graeme Williams (Publisher, Usborne)
Jackie Williams (Teacher, parent)
Jennifer Williams (Librarian)
Joanne Williams (Deputy Manager, Unicorn Theatre)
Joy Williams (Illustrator)
Julia Williams (Author and Children's book editor)
Julia Williams (Reader)
Julia Williams (School Librarian)
Kathryn Williams (Trainee Librarian)
Katie Williams (English student)
Kenneth Lee Williams (Arts worker)
Matthew Williams (Reader)
Nan Williams (SEN Inclusion Consultant)
Penny Williams (Copy-editor and proofreader)
Polly Williams (Reader)
Rachel Williams (Librarian)
Rita Williams (Parent)
Ruth Williams (Children's bookseller, parent)
Ruth Williams (Teacher)
Sam Williams (Author and Illustrator)
Sarah Williams (Parent)
Thelma Williams (Reader)
Lucy Williamson (Teacher)
Neil Williamson (Author)
Sandy Williamson (Literacy tutor)
Jane Willis (Children's Foreign Rights Agent)
Shirley Willis (Author, illustrator)
Katrina Willoughby (Librarian, poet)
Michelle Wills (English teacher)
Kimberly Willson (Librarian)
Zoe Wilmshurst (Reader)
Andrew Wilson (Student)
Clare Wilson (Reader)
Ellie Wilson (Works in publishing)
Georgina Wilson (Nanny)
J Kristen Wilson (Reader)
Jacqueline Wilson (Author and Children's Laureate 2005-2007)
Joe Wilson (Student)
John Wilson (Reader)
John Wilson (Reader)
Kayla Wilson (Bookseller)
Kevin Wilson (Reader)
Leslie Wilson (Author, grandmother)
Lewis Wilson (Publisher's representative)
Meg Wilson (Librarian)
Pennie Wilson (School librarian)
Sarah Wilson (Art Director, Meadowside Children's Books)
Stuart Wilson (Author and reviewer)
Yvonne Wilson (Parent)
June Wilson-Billing (Home educator)
Samuel Wilson-Whitford (Student)
Anna Wilson-Yue (Eductor, parent)
Aidan Wiltshire (Reader)
Lesley Winfield (Librarian)
Kate Wingerath (Reader)
Jodi J Wingler (Children's Librarian)
Jodie Wingler (Manager Youth Services)
Janis Winkworth (Grandparent)
Sheridan Winn (Author)
Elinor Winrow (Young reader)
Alison Winser (Retired teacher, grandparent)
Carrie Winstanley (Parent)
Rachel Winstanley (Young reader)
Sandie Winterhalder (Reader)
Will Winterson (Reader)
Eric Wirick (Librarian)
Sarah Wise (Bookseller)
Stephanie Witham (Librarian)
Brenda Wolfe (Teacher and grandparent)
Anne Wollenberg (Journalist)
Amy Wong (Artistand Illustrator)
David Woock (Teacher)
Adrian Wood (Parent)
Cheryl Wood (School librarian)
Cynthia Wood (Reader)
David Wood (Reader)
Elizabeth Wood (Reader)
Elizabeth Wood (Reader)
Erika Wood (Teacher)
Janine Wood (Librarian)
Julie Wood (Chartered Occupational Psychologist)
Lindi Wood (Librarian)
Melanie Wood (Parent)
Sally Wood (Librarian, parent)
Sidney Wood (Teacher)
David Wood, OBE (Author)
Sheila Woodburn (Children's librarian)
Jenny Woodford (Teacher)
Peggy Woodford (Author)
Oscar Woodhead (Young reader)
Rosemary Woodman (Librarian)
Dawn Woods (Librarian)
Helen Woods (Teacher)
Sarah Woods (Writer)
Anne Woodward (Teacher)
Karen Woodward (Parent)
Simon Woodward (Author)
Clare Wooldridge (Librarian)
Annette Woolfson (School Librarian)
Sally Woolley (Parent)
Blythe Woolston (Mother, book indexer)
Staff at Words on the Street (Publishers)
Bryan Thao Worra (Author)
Helen Worster (Nursery teacher)
Kelly Wortham (Teacher)
Anne Worthington (Librarian)
Pete Wragg (Retired teacher)
Katy Wrathall (Librarian)
Angela Wright (Librarian)
Ann Wright (Author, parent)
Anne L. Wright (Retired teacher)
Connie Wright (Librarian)
Dannii Wright (Student)
Diane Wright (Children's Librarian)
Duncan Wright (Convenor, School Library Association (Scotland))
Emma Wright (Reader)
Jacqueline Wright (Trainee teacher)
Kate Wright (PhD student affiliated with Seven Stories)
Nick Wright (Parent)
Peter R Wright (Grandparent)
Rachel Wright (Author)
Richard Wright (Author)
Sarah Wright (Children's Publisher, Sales Representative)
Vera Wright (Librarian)
Janelle Wrock (Teacher and parent)
Hayley Wyatt (Reader)
William Wybrow (Student)
Samantha Wykes (Actor, Administrator, Nanny)
Al Wylie (Author)
Robert Wylie (Reader)
Justin Wyllie (Reader)
Michelle Wyllie (Writer)
Diana Wynne Jones (Author)
Joanna x (Young reader)
Kylie Xerri (Bookseller)
Sephora Xuereb (Reader)
Lani Yamanto (Author, illustrator)
Diana Yan (Reader)
Pat Yarker (Reader, concerned parent)
R. Yasseen (Reader)
Ali Yates (Librarian)
Katherine Yates (Librarian)
Karen Yeoman (School Librarian)
Cassandra Yorgey (Reader)
Rebecca Yorke (Parent)
Alistair Young (Librarian)
Ami Young (Educator, writer)
Anne Young (Author)
Annemarie Young (Author, series editor)
Brooke Young (Librarian)
Ian Young (Reader)
James Young (Grandparent)
Judith Young (Grandparent)
Marilyn Young (School library service)
Mary Young (Trainee Teacher)
Michelle Young (Parent)
Paul Young (Teacher and parent)
Peter Young (Reader)
Philip Young (Director of studies)
Robert Young (Author, playwright)
Sheila Young (Librarian, parent)
Thoby Young (Journalist, author, photographer)
Clare Younger (Parent)
Daniel Yule (Readers adviser)
Joanna Zagni (Head of drama)
Misha Zala (Student)
Nina Zala (Student)
Naomi Zawada (Lawyer)
Linda Zgombic (Librarian)
Chris Ziesler (Parent)
Michelle Zink (Author)
Lucy Zinkiewicz (Lecturer in psychology)
Leonee Zito (Librarian)
Andrea Zlotnik (Reader)
Gabriela Zucchini (Editor, teacher)
Gabriela Zucchini (Teacher and editor)
Jonny Zucker (Author)
The list of supporters has grown so much that we have split it into six. This page has people whose surnames begin with the letters T-Z. Other pages have surnames A-C, D-G, H-L, M-O, P-S and the latest additions to the list.
NB Please bear with us if your name is not yet on this list. There is an inevitable delay between you sending your email and it being uploaded.
To sign up and show your support for this statement, send an email to . We will publish your name and any relevant description (eg author, librarian, bookseller) on this web site. We'll keep your email address confidential and won't pass it to anybody else, but we may write occasionally with relevant news.
Our full statement is on the front page.
We've had reports that the above link is garbled in some browsers. If that is the case, please accept our apologies: the link is coded to fool the spammers but it's obviously fooling some browsers too. If necessary type the email address signup at notoagebanding dot org into your email program.